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Any month that has a Friday the 13th als
o has a Wednesday the 25th. John Madden
is an accomplished ballroom dancer. In
21 states, Wal-Mart is the single large
st employer. Jim Gordon, drummer of Der
ek and the Dominos (”Layla”), killed his
mother wit
h a claw hammer. One of Hewl
ett Packar
ds first ideas was an automat
ic urinal
flusher. Eric Clapton did not
play the
very famous first riff on the
song “Lay
la“. That was Duane Allman. Cla
comes in later. As you age, your e
color gets lighter. There are more c
s in Southern California than there ar
cows in India. The two-foot long bird
d a Kea that lives in New Zealand
likes to
eat the strips of rubber around
car wind
ows. The province of Alberta,
Canada is
completely free of rats. Illi
nois has
the most personalized license p
tes of any state. There are two credit
cards for every person in the United St
ates. T
he international telephone diali
ng code for Antarctica is 672. The aver
age chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in i
t. San Francisco cable cars are the only
National Monuments that move.
